Is Software Engineering a Good Career Choice?
The best time to start looking for a new profession if you are a software engineer?
How to Use Information Technology To Make You More Aware...

Department of Computer Science of Ternopil National Economic University

  • Description
  • Collective
  • History
  • Head
У 2000 році була заснована кафедра комп’ютерних наук. І саме з 2000 року кафедра комп’ютерних наук готує бакалаврів, спеціалістів та магістрів за напрямом „Програмна інженерія” за спеціальностями “Програмне забезпечення систем” та “Інженерія програмного забезпечення”, які з 2016 року згідно нового класифікатора спеціальностей трансформуються у спеціальність "Інженерія програмного забезпечення" (бакалавр, магістр).
Навчальний процес на кафедрi забезпечують 30 осіб, з них: доктори наук – 3 особи, в т.ч., професори – 2 особи; кандидати наук – 19 осіб, в т.ч., доценти – 14 осіб; викладачі та асистенти – 11 осіб, з них сумісники – 3 особи.
Кафедра комп’ютерних наук заснована в 2000 році. Першим завідувачем кафедри був д.т.н. професор Петришин Любомир Богданович. Він разом із доцентом Мальком О.Г. зіграли важливу роль у становленні кафедри .Саме під їх керівництвом та за їх активної участі була ліцензована спеціальність “Програмне забезпечення автоматизованих систем”. З 2002 до 2014 року кафедрою керував д.т.н., професор Дивак Микола Петрович. З вересня 2014 року до тепер кафедру очолює к.т.н., доцент Пукас Андрій Васильович.
Пукас Андрій Васильович, 1979 року народження, громадянин України, освіта вища, кандидат технічних наук, доцент. За період науково-педагогічної діяльності Пукасом А.В. опубліковано близько 70 наукових праць. Серед них більше 20 – у наукових фахових виданнях України, а також 5 – у зарубіжних періодичних виданнях, що входять у міжнародні науко-метричні бази даних Web of Science та Scopus (Scopus ID 8339656100, ResearcherID: B-6236-2016).

    The average software engineer could earn up to $5,016,723 for a career that could last 40 years, with an annual salary of around $125,418. Plus, becoming a software engineer is typically more feasible than making it into a position on your favorite sports team. Now, software engineering jobs can be as competitive as a professional football or basketball career. But, as we venture farther into a future full of artificially intelligent devices, self-driving vehicles, and daily automation, software engineers will become increasingly crucial. Software engineers use computer science, engineering, and mathematics to design, develop, and test software and computer systems that power all current technological advances.As a software engineer, you would be capable of using your skill set to not only continue this technological progress but to concretely change the world. So, if you want to prepare for a profession that would be increasingly relevant in the coming years and might make you a millionaire, you might want to consider becoming a software engineer.
  • If You Want to Change the Future, Become a Software Engineer +

    Software engineering has allowed for the development of everything from cutting-edge life-saving medical tools, to advancements in Artificial Intelligence While a life of celebrity might be more glamorous, you could end up making more money (more sustainably) by becoming a software engineer
  • Software Engineering Technology +

    During this time, you attend Software Engineering Technology courses in this advanced diploma program that cover modern programming languages, design and algorithm concepts, data management tools and modern software engineering methodologies. The program also exposes you to a solid knowledge of systems integration, enterprise programming, mobile computing and software security specialization.
  • Software Engineering Сourses +

    The learning in this engineering program emphasizes object-oriented software design methodologies, user-oriented interface design, software testing and QA, C#, Java, Java EE, Oracle, MS-SQL server, Unix/ Linux, Microsoft's .NET, HTML5/JavaScript/XML, mobile application development, Ajax and rich internet applications technologies, cloud computing, data mining and more.
  • Software Engineering Experience +

    The knowledge and hands-on experience you obtain in Software Engineering Technology will enable you to design and develop various kinds of software applications, human-computer interfaces and enterprise information systems.
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Why Software Engineering?

Why choose a "Software Engineering" specialty and study at the Department of Computer Science at the Faculty of Computer Information Technologies of the Ternopil National University of Economics?

Friendly staff

Our teachers are IT professionals.

Permanent communications

With us you will be able to keep in touch.

Free communication

We will help you always be in the trend of IT development.

Balanced learning process

A combination of study and recreation.

Our students are our friends

By choosing our specialty, you can always count on our help.

Timely help

Our task is a comfortable training for you.

Want to learn more about our Specialty and Faculty of Computer Information Technology?

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Basic Technologies

Software Engineering and Information Technology drives many facets of modern innovation and assists the solving of problems in many areas of research

  • All
  • Database
  • Framework
  • Mobile
  • Testing
  • Xamarin


    Build & design a mobile app using Xamarin's cross-platform development software which simplifies mobile application creation.
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    • Framework
    • Mobile
  • AngularJS


    AngularJS is a JavaScript framework. It is a library written in JavaScript.
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    • Framework
    • Mobile
  • Selenium


    Selenium is a set of different software tools each with a different approach to supporting test automation.
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    • Testing
  • Microsoft SQL Server

    Microsoft SQL Server

    Microsoft SQL Server is a SQL-based relational database management system designed for use in corporate applications, both on premises and in
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    • Database
  • Java


    Java is a general-purpose computer programming language that is concurrent, class-based, object-oriented,[15] and specifically designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible.
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    • Framework
  • .NET Framework

    .NET Framework

    NET Framework (pronounced dot net) is a software framework developed by Microsoft that runs primarily on Microsoft Windows.
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    • Framework

Our Research

Directions of scientific researches of the teachers of the department.

  • icon Modeling
  • icon Intellectual data analysis
  • icon Develop mobile apps


Mathematical macromodeling of complex objects and processes based on analysis of interval data. Development of methods and means of identification of mathematical models of static and dynamic objects.


Intellectual data analysis

Intellectual data analysis. Web-oriented software development. Optimize web resources to increase their attendance.


Develop mobile apps

Hidden Advantages of Cross-Platform Development with React Native


Андрій Терлецький | Full Stack Software Developer | Fleetsmart
Назар Юзвін | Scala Developer | Scalac
Ірина Мандзій | product manager | Webinterpret
Міхайліді Катерина, керівник Тернопільського ІТ кластера
Тарас Дивак | Senior Software Engineer | Skelia

Meet our graduates

So how do you accelerate your future? We’ll support you in each of your roles as you develop over the course of the  speciality but you will have a part to play in your success. We asked some of our existing graduates to describe how the projects they have worked on, their experiences, and their drive determined their success.

  • Succesful entrepreneur, full of ideas, real ideas, will do alot of things in this life
    Ruslan Savchyshyn Director of the MagneticOne company
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Staff in the Department of Software Engineering

Our team comprises over 20 professionals who are highly qualified specialist in their own fields, inspired by the process of teaching.


Andriy Pukas

The Head of Department

Andriy Pukas

The Head of Department

Scientific Interests: Mathematical models of growth of structures

Mykola Dyvak


Mykola Dyvak


Scientific Interests: Estimation of the states of control objects on the basis of interval approach.

Petro Stakhiv


Petro Stakhiv


Scientific Interests: Parallelization of diacoptic methods for multiprocessor computing systems.

Roman Pasichnyk


Roman Pasichnyk


Scientific Interests: Modeling dynamics of microorganisms systems under uncertainty.

Iryna Voytyuk

Associate Professor

Iryna Voytyuk

Associate Professor

Scientific Interests: Mathematical modeling.

Lyudmila Gonchar

Associate Professor

Lyudmila Gonchar

Associate Professor

Scientific Interests: Mathematical modeling.

Oleksandra Kozak

Associate Professor

Oleksandra Kozak

Associate Professor

Scientific Interests: Mathematical modeling.

Volodymyr Manzhula

Associate Professor

Volodymyr Manzhula

Associate Professor

Scientific Interests: Mathematical modeling.

Evgeniya Martsenyuk

Associate Professor

Evgeniya Martsenyuk

Associate Professor

Scientific Interests: Mathematical modeling

Andrew Melnyk

Associate Professor

Andriy Melnyk

Associate Professor

Scientific Interests: Ontology.Databases

Yuriy Pigovsky

Associate Professor

Yuriy Pigovsky

Associate Professor

Scientific Interests: Mathematical modeling.

Irina Spivak

Associate Professor

Irina Spivak

Associate Professor

Scientific Interests: Mathematical modeling.

Viktor Slylychuk

Associate Professor

Viktor Slylychuk

Associate Professor

Scientific Interests: DB. Network

Ruslan Shevchuk

Associate Professor

Ruslan Shevchuk

Associate Professor

Scientific Interests: Mobile App.

Michael Shpinlal

Associate Professor

Michael Shpinlal

Associate Professor

Scientific Interests: Programing.

Svitlana Krepich

Senior Lecturer

Svitlana Krepich

Senior Lecturer

Scientific Interests: Mathematical modeling.

Oleg Sirnyk


Oleg Sirnyk


Scientific Interests: Databases

Irina Oliynyk


Irina Oliynyk


Scientific Interests: Mathematical modeling.

Irina Darmorost


Irina Darmorost


Scientific Interests: Mathematical modeling

Natalia Porplitsa

Senior Lecturer

Natalia Porplitsa

Senior Lecturer

Scientific Interests: Mathematical modeling.

Olga Simak

laboratory assistant

Olga Simak

laboratory assistant

Scientific Interests:

Igor Sichkaruk


Igor Sichkaruk


Scientific Interests:

Boris Fedyshyn

Senior Engineer

Boris Fedyshyn

Senior Engineer

Scientific Interests:

Volodymyr Shpak


Volodymyr Shpak


Scientific Interests: Mathematical modeling.

AngularJS is a JavaScript framework. It is a library written in JavaScript.


Department of Computer Science of Ternopil National Economic University

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Post: 46003, Ukraine. 

Where do you start if you want to study in the TNEU?